Episode 39: You Must Include “YOU” In The Caregiving Plan

Caring for your parents is honorable but also challenging. You want to do all you can to make things easier for them, so you put all your energy and effort into trying to meet their every need. When you do this, you often do it at the expense of your own mental and physical well-being, and this can have dire consequences.

Family caregivers often neglect their health as well as sacrifice other meaningful relationships and interests in their life because they don't have an effective plan which takes in account their needs in addition to the needs of their loved one.

Listen to this podcast episode and gain insight into developing a healthy caregiving plan. See how this quote, "If you don't have a plan, any road will lead you there and you will achieve goals you didn't set" is a depiction of what can happen in caregiving when you are not intentional about including YOU in the caregiving plan.

Consuela Marshall,

Occupational Therapist, Caregiver

If you are a caregiver who is experiencing challenges caring for a loved one, visit our website at findingafoothold.com.  Receive direction and support.

On the website, learn how to reach out by calling 225-443-9447 to share with us your caregiving challenges. You can ask a question that can be addressed on the podcast and you can also schedule a consultant service.

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Disclaimer: The podcast and blog are intended to provide basic information so that you can become a more informed caregiver. The information presented is intended for educational and informational purposes only and is not meant to serve as medical advice or replace consultation with any health care providers you regularly engage with. Transmission or receipt of any of this information is not intended to, and does not, create a therapist-patient relationship. This information is not provided in the course of a therapist-patient relationship and is not intended to constitute medical advice or to substitute for obtaining medical advice from a physician or therapist licensed in the state where your family may reside. We encourage everyone to consult with your physician or therapist to see if they are appropriate and safe for you.



Episode 40: How To Care For Your Loved One Who Has Had A Stroke


Episode 38: But Did You Read The Hospital Discharge Paperwork?