
Welcome to a growing community of caregivers that thrive as they give care. My endeavor is to provide guidance to any caregiver who is faced with challenges while caring for their loved one. Call and leave a message on the “call button” if you have a caregiving challenge that you would like for me to address. The call is FREE!

The concerns called in are addressed on a subsequent podcast show. Listen to current and past episode to gain knowledge and insight about concerns that other caregivers are having and explore which options can help you address some of the concerns you may be experiencing.

Consuela Marshall Consuela Marshall

Episode 6: How To Provide Care While You Are Hurting

Hurt is something we all deal with, physical and emotion hurt. Often caregivers enter into their role of caring for aging parents and disabled spouses with this hurt already present in their lives. The hurt can go deep and can be experienced daily. The loved one you are caring for may even play a part in the hurt you are experiencing.

So how do you provide care for someone when you are hurting? It can be very difficult but taking the right steps, you can move past the pain or modify your role as caregiver

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